Small Town Art, and Then some

May 6, 2008

DACC LogoI’ve been busy today, finishing preparations for the Dennis Arts and Culture Council 2nd Annual Photography Contest. Whew. Putting this event together has been quite a project, and the results have been worthwhile. I co-chair the Council, and wanted to continue to self-generate a project and not wait for a grant applicant to come to us with a request. I appreciate good photography. So I put it together with the blessing of Tish Murphy, Librarian, who gave us the space to hang the exhibit. I wrote the rules, made and distributed the flyers. Nicole Muller of “The Register” community newspaper gave us a blurb and helped judge the entries. I solicited donations and Treats Catering provided a beautiful fruit and cheese platter and Stop and Shop provided drinks. Council members joined me to hang the photos yesterday, and my goodness it looks like a real exhibit! There are youth and adult divisions. Lizzie Murphy won the youth contest with her photo of a Charleston, South Carolina landscape. The adult division was topped by John Shilcusky, who captured an artist’s easel attached to a photo and a painting of vivid hydrangeas. So I’m proud to have participated in bringing art to town, my first such endeavor. If you’re in Dennis before June 2, stop by the library on Hall Street to see it.

Real Estate tidbit:
UP UP UP-67 Cranberry Lane in South Yarmouth sold for 101.57% of the last listing price. It went from $409,000 to $324,900 to $330,000.

DOWN DOWN DOWN – 27 Old Hills Road in Dennis sold for 90.66% of the last listing price. It started at $ 949,000 to $899,000 and sold for $815,000.

Pricing is everything!