Winds of Change

October 13, 2008

As the economic and political changes swirl around us, so goes personal change. You can now find me at Kinlin Grover GMAC Home Services on Route 6A in Brewster. Great people, great company, and even more services for buyers and sellers as I am now part of MLSPIN , a large off-Cape multiple listing service for even more exposure.
From today’s Cape Cod Times

Banker puts Island Home on Market for $55M
By Jason Graziadei
Nantucket Inquirer and Mirror
A Goldman Sachs executive has reportedly placed his Nantucket estate on the market for $55 million.

Jon Winkelried, the co-chief operating officer and president of Goldman Sachs, has listed his property on the Monomoy shore with Congdon and Coleman Real Estate, and is reportedly asking $55 million, according to a real estate source.

Winkelried, 48, owns two parcels on Cathcart Road totaling nearly six acres. The Winkelried property at 15 Cathcart Road is assessed at $20.59 million, and was purchased in 1999 for $5 million. His property at 11 Cathcart Road is assessed at $4.8 million, and was also purchased in 1999 for $1.95 million.

Fortune Magazine recently listed Winkelried as the eight-highest paid man in the country, and reported his compensation in 2006 at $53.1 million.

Goldman Sachs and Morgan Stanley are the only Wall Street investment banks to survive the recent turmoil in the financial markets.

There is nothing listed in the multiple listing service at those addresses, nor is it on Congdon and Coleman’s website. Stay tuned.

I have observed a slowdown in sales and pending sales in the last weeks, in no down attributable to the economic tumult. Keep your eye on interest rates, though. They may creep up and any gain from “waiting” and timing the housing price drops will be offset, particularly in the jumbo loan arena. Kinlin Grover has a terrific in-house mortgage resource if you want to bounce ideas around and if you need to pre-approve.

I will be on hiatus for a couple of weeks. Enjoy the bonus weather, don’t watch your 401k, get ready to vote.

Validation a la Sally Field

September 7, 2008

Well it was certainly nice to read today’s Boston Globe Sunday magazine and find myself validated vis a vis my proclamations regarding the nature of localized markets and the upswing here on the Cape. I’ve got to watch out for these guys taking words from this writer’s mouth. Scan back and this is what I’ve been saying for three to four months: multiple offers and above asking price sales. I know this by watching the market and knowing it intimately, not conducting a few interviews. I’m living this market, writing offers on $200k short sales and selling $1.75 million historic homes. Incidentally, I was mentioned in yesterday’s (9/6/08) Cape Cod Times for achieving my Accredited Buyers’ Representative status. Please let me know if I can assist you in any way.

It Really is Still That Strong!

August 20, 2008



Antique Cars

Antique Cars

This is no ploy to get you to bite, just the facts. Solds are rolling by, and “pending sale” are stacking up. This means everything from $129,000 condos to $2,500,000 homes-and that’s not even oceanfront! An observation is that a long time on the market is not necessarily indicative of the ultimate sale price. The house just needs the right buyer. Please stop by and visit me or email anytime and I will provide you with any data you’d like: or If you are selling, it’s a factoid-filled presentation for you, too. Let me know how I can assist.

Dennis held it’s annual Car Rally down at Ezra Baker School this past weekend. Were you there? One of the regular features that does not put inches on your hips is the scaled down model railway for kids and the antique car show. Kids of all ages love both. Donations included canned good items. It was a gorgeous day and loads of fun. I hope you can join us next year and support a good cause.

The Market is Hot, Hot, Hot!

July 21, 2008

I’ve been too busy selling real estate to write, but my last post still applies. It’s almost too hot to sit on the beach, so folks are coming into the office to look at real estate. Some are even buying it! So log on to and begin your own search today, no obligation.


June 11, 2008


The amazingly warm, ok hot, temps this past week have been extraordinary. The ocean has been so warm, and we’ve been swimming along scooping up sand dollars at Mayflower Beach ( please put back the live ones.) The Village Garden Club of Dennis has planted the various gardens throughout town to beautify our public spaces. It takes the efforts of many volunteers to keep the gardens planted, watered and weeded.

The Boston Globe on Sunday featured a home in Wellfleet along Black Fish Creek. The owner, poet Alan Feldman, spoke about the ways of old houses. “A house should be old enough to have a soul,” he said. He preserved his home’s “escapist novelty,” noting that “We’re always trying to get somewhere in life, and Summer is about getting back. You slip into the same old clothes, take the same walks…It’s a return to cyclical time, as opposed to the linear time in which we live.”

That’s what your Summer home on Cape Cod should be about. Some of us are lucky enough to have endless Summer.